Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain...

It is raining, raining, raining here. Yesterday afternoon the wind and rain started and it picked up throughout the night. I (not a big fan of storms) didn't sleep so well. The normal amount of bright light coming through my window wasn't there because the power was out and everything was really quiet except for the rain and wind. It's interesting all the noise electricity makes that you don't notice until it's out.

Because of the severe weather predicted and I guess the general chaos the hurricane has created, they cancelled classes today and tomorrow. I was excited at first. Now I'm getting kind of bored. It's a good chance to catch up on reading, on the plus side. This afternoon I went to the mall to walk some and to Sonic for a DP since I was experiencing a little cabin fever. :) I got home just before the deluge started around 4:30. It's been pouring hard for the last 4 hours. There was a flash flood warning until 10:30 this eve. but they've extended it until tom. morn. For the most part, I don't think there's been a lot of wind damage here. Some of the siding on an apt. building across from me is halfway off and making an annoying scratching sound as the wind is trying to tear it off, but other than that, I haven't seen too much debris around.
A lot of the southern parishes aren't letting residents come back until Fri. because they've got to clear the streets of debris, and in some parishes they have to get the water and sewage systems in working order again. Another interesting reason I heard they don't want residents to go back yet is because with the flooding there may be a lot of alligators, snakes, and other varmints wandering around -- in and out of yards and houses. Hopefully we won't have that issue here. :) I was imagining walking out of my apt. and seeing an alligator and then I imagined one somehow getting in my apt. and me having to throw a blanket over it and wrestle it back out the front door while at the same time trying to call the police or animal control or whatever. No, this is not a strange dream. This is my strange train of thought that I'm going to blame on sitting in my apt. for several days straight and listening to too much Gustav coverage. Did you guys hear the story several months ago of the lady, I think in Florida, who found an alligator in her house? Stories like that have also contributed to my overactive imagination. I know some of you can come up with way better alligator stories than mine, so if you think of one -- or more than one, please share. I'm in serious need of some entertainment.
I was going to write more, but I'm going to go ahead and post this because the lights have been flickering. Time to get my little pocket radio out. Talk radio is becoming my good friend. With the exception of Albert? Arthur? Greg? somebody Norry? I think he's the new late night Art Bell? I'm not a fan of him. I decided last night the wind was better than listening to him. Okay, I really am through. :)


Chrissy Cross said...

Hang in there girl!! I don't forsee any Alligators making it into your apartment, but you never know, there was that gecko.....

Brittany said...

Wow! Sorry you have had a tough time of it. I'll be in Shreveport tomorrow for an audition. I'm slightly nervous about the traffic and weather conditions, but I'm sure it will be fine. Good luck! Thankfully, the rainy weather has extended to Oklahoma. I love it! It feels like fall today.

texasholls said...

No rain for us. :( Just lots of clouds and wind which is still nice cause it has been cooler at least. Do you remember visiting the alligator farm when ya'll came to our house in Beaumont? I have a guy in one of my classes that I think listens to a super right wing Christian version of Art Bell. I'm not sure who that would be but he has a lot of conspiracy theories that have to do with stuff in the Bible and history and he brings them up in class like a lot of people believe these ideas and they are actually credible. I think I am going to turn around and poke a pen right through his windpipe before the semester is over! Good luck on the reading. I have a ton to catch up on this week as well since I refused to buy my books from the bookstore and ordered them online.