Spring was supposed to be here by now, but alas, it is cold again. That's okay, I need to soak in as much coolness as possible before moving south. I don't know if those sentences sound negative, but there is definitely negative thought behind them today. The reason I mention this is because I'm trying to recognize and put a halt to my complaining.
Today I was talking with a friend at church about my week at work and I stated that it was a good week, but really draining because of the negativity I was surrounded with. Then I realized that I had chosen to focus on what was negative about last week rather than what was positive and that the very thing I was complaining about, I was doing!
Is is necessary to recognize and be honest about a negative situation? Of course. Through truth, healing can begin to happen. What's not good though, is after the honesty, to continue to dwell on both mentally and verbally what's negative.
I've been really blessed and challenged by a blog written by a team of friends working in the Czech Republic http://teamolomouc.com/wordpress/. They have been blogging for awhile now on praiseworthy speech. Words have so much power. They have the power to heal and destroy. To quote Sid the Sloth from Ice Age: "I choosth life."
Definitely a tough thing to do sometimes, especially when our world teaches us to focus on the negative.
I'm thinking I've posted a very similar post before. Maybe more than one. Sorry to be so repetitive! I guess it's something I need continual work on.
So difficult to do. Guess here's where we can make our bodies our slaves.
from brittany
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