Wednesday, November 5, 2008

National Pride

Yesterday I waited in line for 1 hour to vote. The lady at the exit poll probably thought I was crazy, since I'm thinking that the American pride emanating from me was visible. I was smiling ridiculously, but what can I say? I love the US! Does anybody else get excited about voting like I do? You would have thought it was my first time to vote. But seriously, I love the whole process. I eat it up every election year and have ever since I was a kid. Hilarious not-so-PC moment of the night was when Sam Donaldson (sp?) said, "Well, it's not over till the fat lady sings. Uh, er, uh, or I mean um, any person of any svelte (sp?)."
Not so sure what the future will hold politically: change, levelling of the playing field, spreading of the wealth, less taxes, more taxes, more money for college, world peace, socialism, no more talk radio, and persecution are just a few of the things I've heard mentioned. To hear people talk around campus today, there's a lot of pride, fear, cynicism, disappointment, anger, happiness, hope -- the range of feelings everyone has had about this election is all over the place.
This story is not analogous, but I've been thinking a lot about the story of back in the day when Saul became king and here are the random thoughts that have come to mind. The people were dying for a king. God said okay. The people were happy. God chose the man. The nation became powerful. The man made A LOT of mistakes. God's working was far beyond what the people could see. I'm not trying to make a political point with this. Mainly I'm thinking that it's nice to have history to look back on and see that God is faithful and was always there, both in the good times and the bad times. In history we can see that God wasn't just passively there, but he was often active, whether the people of that time realized it or not.
I'm not adjusted to the time change yet and I haven't gotten much sleep this week because of my paper, which I turned in today!!! So, as they say here in the South, "I need to get in the bed."


texasholls said...

Good thoughts. I know so many people that were praying for God to work in this election so maybe he has. Not sure where things are going to go, but I know that America is still full of Christian people who want to do what God wants them to do and so that makes me not have so many worries about the future when I think about that.....A couple of people in one of my classes think Obama is the antichrist. It makes me laugh to hear them talk about it, but who knows. They could be right too.

Rachel said...

When I go in to vote, I'm all cool and casual. When I think about it ahead of time, I'm all, "Pfff. No biggie. What's the big deal about voting? Anybody can do it."

But once I leave that booth, I lose all control. My chest swells and I think, "That was SO AWESOME! I just voted. Boooyah oppressed-peoples-who-have-to-suffer-under-dictators! At least I picked who will oppress me!"