So, I've been thinking a lot about colors since starting this new blog. Trying to find a template I like takes forever for someone who's super indecisive like I am. Choosing the colors I like is even more difficult. Well, I know the colors I like, but choosing colors that are supposed to look good together is the difficult part.
Sometimes I can be one of those people that doesn't care what others think; in fact, that's what I try to go for most of the time. Often though, I care far too much. For instance: is brown ugly? Personally, I love brown, but a good friend can't stand it and even hid some brown pants I had in college. Because she thought they were so hideous, she didn't want me wearing them. :) Situations like that have served to make me both a little self-conscious and also a little rebellious. If I like brown, I'm going to wear it and put it on my blog! I'll even mix black and brown. I know, that is not allowed if you are big into matching, but sometimes I like it and sometimes I think it can be pulled off. Notice how I'm using the word "sometimes" a lot. True trait of an indecisive person. I'm also very indecisive about words I write in letters or notes I'm sending to people. I waste so much time trying to figure out how to word my sentences.
When it comes to indecision, I'm not only indecisive in situations where I care what others will think. I can spend an hour in the tea section at Wal-Mart, trying to decide which one I want. Wild berry zinger or blueberry? Green tea with caffeine or decaf? Will it be perfumey/flowery tasting? Is that too expensive for 20 bags? Maybe I should get several? I've always been indecisive, but these kind of shopping decisions have become ridiculous and worse since I got back from Korea. If you have any theories on why that is, I would love to hear them.
I'm not indecisive about everything. When it comes to big purchases I tend to decide more quickly. I chose and bought a computer in a matter of a few minutes. When I bought my car -- actually both cars I've bought, were bought quickly without much deliberation.
So here's the question: What does indecision indicate about a person's character or personality, if anything? Am I indecisive because I want to please, insecurity, lack of willingness to commit, because I just like a lot of things, I don't know what I want, I can be satisfied with almost anything?
Either I or someone else I know has written a blog about indecision in the last year, so hopefully I'm not repeating someone. Okay, I'm through. Time to pick a new template and maybe switch some colors up a little. :)
I hear you sister! I tend to be indecisive as well. Always afraid I will get something and then regret that that is what I spent my money on, put my time into, etc.
BTW, I do think black and brown can go together. You just have to careful what kind of brown you are trying to mix. Who cares about matching! Wear something interesting that makes you feel pretty. That's what I say. I like brown too.
I love brown!! Brown is my favorite color of shirt to buy, Brian makes fun of me because I love brown,tan, khaki, any shade of brown, I love it!! Anyway.
I'm not indecisive, but sometimes I do buy things impulsively and wish I had gotten something else later, like buying a green shirt because I feel like I need to expand my taste and then wishing I had bought the brown one. HA!
I am indecisive because I am a "maximizer" and a perfectionist, to the extent that it borders on being obsessive/compulsive at times. I HAVE to make the "right" or "best" decision (which is super unfortunate because rarely in life is there just one answer.) The thought that there is a better option than the one that I will choose is paralyzing to me. When you are a counselor, I am going to seek your help on this issue :)
P.S. That hidden pants story is hilarious!
I like brown. I was telling my hubby just the other day that when I was a kid, I asked my dad what his favorite color was, and when he said it was brown, I made fun of him. But now, brown is one of my favorite colors. It will serve me right if one day my child makes fun of me.
to chrissy cross--I do the same thing! I think that I should get different colors, so I do, and then I wish I had gotten the brown one...
On indecision. Sometimes there are too many choices in our modern world. I don't think the human mind was meant to comprehend so many choices. So, if you have no strong feelings about something, how are you supposed to decide? I, too, stand in front of the tea section at the store for far too long. There are so many teas! And any of them could be good. But as far as something you have a strong feeling for or when you know what you want--like a car or a computer, you can decide. Sometimes I like to let time make decisions for me. As in, I procrastinate so long that I have no choices left or the opportunity passes me by so it's no longer a choice. Sometimes that backfires, but not always. Not always.
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