Thursday, September 30, 2010

"And I've been working all week and... It's time for a GOOD Time..."

Ahhh, fall is in the air! This is for sure my favorite time of year. The leaves haven't started changing yet, but I hope the trees will be pretty here.
News on the job front: I'm employed!! I was approved by the state licensing board to start practicing so I had my first client last week. Very exciting. Because my amount of hours there is not big right now and may be slow in building, I've been hunting for another part time job. God provides and I got a job at a preschool/daycare here. The interviews were interesting. The owner (did a second interview with her) has started orphanages all over the world using the Pikler approach. I hadn't heard of it before, but I'm interested to learn more about it. So the hours there will be good. I'll be there from 10-2, M-F. Then the rest of the afternoon and evenings I can be at the counseling center. I think I'll start there on Monday.
The other thing that is not officially in the works, is that I am hoping to teach a class to home school seniors about interpersonal relationships and communication a couple of times a week. This has been one of these things that I really believe God laid on me. Soooo, I'm praying about it and will have to wait and see if people sign up. I'm interesting in combining mission work and mft, and I think this class would be potential info that I could use in other countries.
So that's my life at the moment. In two weekends, it's fair time, and Tricia's birthday!!! She wants to do a 5k the morning of her b-day, so I've agreed to do that. As usual, I'm not in that good of shape, but it will be fun.
Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!!!


texasholls said...

Congrats on the job and the class for homeschoolers sounds like a really cool opportunity. Can't wait to hear details when you come for the fair!

Chrissy Cross said...

You are going to be a great counselor and teacher!! I am so excited for your opportunities.

bee said...

Very glad to hear the news of employment and for getting your license to counsel. I think the home school class will be great! I wished that there had been a lot more home school classes taught by qualified people when my kids were in school. You have a lot of talent and lot of opportunities ahead. Give it all you got!

Anonymous said...

That is WAY cool! I love the idea of your counseling of the home schoolers- what a perfect fit!