Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Goings on

School: Two classes, plus 5 hours at the clinic on Tuesdays. My classes haven't been bad at all this semester. Just a ton of reading. I'm more motivated to read than I've ever been because I am in need of more therapy skills. Or my client's are in need of me having more therapy skills. Or something like that.
Externship site: I'm meeting with 10-15 different kids throughout the week at different Monroe city schools and some of their families. Also, I'm facilitating 6 groups every week where we talk about anger management, social skills, etc. Love, love, love it! My favorite school is probably the alternative school. It's kind of a school/jail, so the kids there love coming to group, I think partly because we don't treat them like criminals. New words I've learned by working with kids here: Skreets (streets), Her (hair), compruter (computer), and clique (sp?) (gang).
Assistantship: Staying busy doing office work. Mainly working with the dual enrollment program -- high school kids being able to take classes at their schools for college credit. It is a blessing to work with flexible, super fun ladies.
The Center: I've been working there maybe 2 hours a week on Friday afternoon, just keeping things going. Don't plan to work there next year, but still need to talk to them about that...It's been a good job, but I don't have time for it anymore.
Free time: What's that?
Next year: Will be doubly busy. Taking 15 hours instead of 9, plus a heavier homework/assignment load, plus comps in March. Really really excited about that craziness coming up. (To be read with a very sarcastic tone.)
Escape: Going to Austin this weekend to visit Rachel at her new place! I'll drive to Nacogdoches, meet Heather, and then we'll head on to Austin. Then, for Thanksgiving going to Grammy and Papaw's!!! Christmas break, going home (just in time to see Mom graduate), then going to Grand Junction for Andrea's wedding, and back to Boise. Hopefully we'll get some skiing in. My friend Gina in Boise is having twins right around that time, or maybe before, so looking forward to holding some babies and hanging out with her. :)
Church: Love White's Ferry Road. Heading out to "peak of the week" in a few minutes. I've always loved Wednesday night church, except maybe in Logan :) , but here it is especially encouraging. It's always worth it to go even when I'm drained. Fellowship with other Christians is one of the things helping me make it through this program.
Weather: Absolutely gorgeous here. The cypress trees are changing to a burnt orange color. They weather has been great. Haven't had anymore rain, thankfully. During September and October we got triple or quadruple the average amount. The river has just crested recently or is about to soon. It is very high. I don't think there's any flood worry for the area where I live, even though I live about 8 blocks from the Ouachita river. So, I'm fine with no more clouds and rain. Would be nice to get a freeze to get rid of some mosquitos.
And that's my life right now and in the near fruture (how my kids in group would say it), Lord willing.


texasholls said...

You have such a good attitude about your business and school work. I am glad you love it. I'm not sure I can jump through any more hoops. I'm so glad you updated your blog. I always love hearing what you are up too. Sounds like you have a great holiday break planned.

Brittany said...

Seriously, the words those kids are using make me laugh with water coming through my nose. Rick-diculous! Glad to hear an update. Love hearing what's going on with you. Crazy busyness it seems.

Jessica said...

"My dad does conscruction." was the new one of the day.