Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I don't know if there'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer

The semester is over!!!! I'm almost bored, but not quite. I've been going to the activities center on campus to jog with a friend the last couple of days. Yes, that's right. I did say jog. I did a 13 min. mile today, but that's what happens when you're in bad shape. My eventual goal is a 12 min. mile. From there, well, who knows how fit I may become!! Fitness is not a big deal at this school at all. There are 5 treadmills and a few other kind of machines, and that's supposed to service the entire campus. Louisisana recently became ranked as the most unhealthy state in the nation. It is second worst for obesity, so I guess the number of treadmills and the low numbers of people working out shouldn't surprise me.
I went and watched Twilight last night with a couple of friends. I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would, especially for a vampire movie. Vampires are all the rage right now, apparently. It had a good message, I thought. Haven't read the books, but as usual, everyone is saying the movie isn't as good as the book. Have any of you read them or seen the movie? I'd like to hear a more expert opinion (Brittany) on the movie and books. :)
The temp has really dropped here in the last few hours. Supposedly, we may get some sleet tonight. Yesterday we were around 70, and having severe storms and even tornado warnings in the area. And now, it's very overcast, 40 degrees, with a windchill of 33. Brrrr. This kind of dreary day normally makes me dreary, but since I have no homework!!!, I'm curling up in my little blue chair with a book and a cup of hot tea or coffee. And I think I'll turn on some Christmas music. Yay for Christmas!!! I love this season!


Chrissy Cross said...

You will have to let us know how the Louisianan's celebrate a non-white Christmas. :) Oh, listen to how small a world it is, we go to church with Ted and Lisa Dahlman. Lisa's sister is one of your friends in Monroe (maybe from York) I cannot remember the connection or her name, but she totally knows you.

texasholls said...

Ahhh Christmas. That is great that you've been working out. I haven't seen the Twighlight movie and am not really interested but all the girls in my small group are really into it. I saw a news story about the author of the book series. She is a mormon, has never seen an R rate film, and got her idea for the books from a dream. Enjoy your break. You will be glad you had it even if you do get bored once you get back to the grind of school.

Brittany said...

Your post makes me feel all warm for Christmas! I am under the electric blanket and silently cursing the forthcoming bill everytime the heater kicks on. It's only set at 63, but it's gotten that cold that it is on a lot more often now. I am checking out the Twilight book (1st one) from the library this week. I am excited to read it. I want to have it finished by the time I can see the movie at the dollar theatre or get it from the library. I'll let you know what I think. I've been interested to check it out. Matt and I just finished reading Silas Marner, so it's time for another book! Yesterday on my jog with Jack it was 36 degrees. If it gets just 2 degrees colder, I'm going to have to wear my ski mask whilst jogging. Bet that won't make me look like a terrorist at all :)

Monty and Mari Beth said...

Hey Jessica! Glad you are enjoying the Christmas season! I love it too! We actually got snow last night and all today so that definitely makes it feel like Christmas! I saw your mom and dad last night at Eldorado and I am so excited that they get to come see you guys! I hope you have a WONDERFUL time together! Your mom said that you are coming to Boise...we would LOVE to see you if it works out. If not we totally understand how it is. So good to hear from you and thanks for commenting on my blog....someone actually does go to it!!! LOL Take care and Merry Christmas!!! Mari Beth